Voice commands
Use a mic to speak these commands during gameplay with bots. Make sure you say the bot's name.
Code - Effect :
suicide - bot commits suicide
dance - bot dances
gimme - bot drops his/her weapon
get out - bot get out of current vehicle
jump - bot jumps up and down
taunt - bot taunts
Adrenaline Combos
Use WASD or the arrow keys to enter these codes when your adrenaline reachs 100.
Code - Effect:
Up, Up, Down, Down - Berserk (Faster firing rate)
Down, Down, Down, Down - Booster (Regeneration)
Right, Right, Right, Right - Camouflage
Left, Left, Left, Left - Character shrinks
Right, Right, Left, Left - Invisibility
Up, Up, Up, Up - Speed
Various console commands
Open up the console (~) during single player gameplay to enter these codes. Press enter whe you finish typing. You made need the enablecheats code or playersonly code to use some of the cheats.
Password - Effect:
togglefullscreen - switchs between fullscreen and window screen
addbots # - adds typed number of bots
loded - all weapons
allweapons - all weapons (not full ammo)
enablecheats - allows cheats to be used
stat audio - audio stats
switchteam - change teams
FOV - changes field of view to the typed degrees
setname (insert name) - changes player name
setres WxHxD (example - 800x600x32) - changes resolution to specified number
suicide - commits suicide
stat all - displays all stats
quit - exits game
exit - exits game
behindview 0 - first person mode
playersonly - freezes all bots
stat game - game stats
fly - gives you the ability to fly
god - god mode
killbots - kills all bots
changesize # - makes character/vehicle size bigger/smaller depending on the number you input
allammo - max number of ammo(999) for all weapons
stat net - network play statistics
open (insert mapname) - opens map
playvehiclehorn 1 - plays a horn sound when you enter this in a vehicle
setgravity # - sets amount of gravity
setspeed # - sets gameplay speed
setjumpz # - sets height of jumps
stat fps - shows frames per second
skipmatch - skips match
slowmo # - slown motion
summon skaarjpack.fireskaarj - summons a Fire Skaarj
summon xeffects.redeemerexplosion - summons a harmless redeemer explosion
summon xeffects.tankvictim - summons a mangled body
summon xweapons.shockprojectile - summons a shock ball
summon SkaarjPack.skaarj - summons a skaarj
summon SkaarjPack.iceskaarj - summons an ice skaarj
teleport - teleport you to the location on your crosshair
behindview 1 - third person mode
stat none - turn off stats
ghost - turn the player into a ghost (you can still fire your weapon)
walk - turns fly off
ampibious - underwater breathing
winmatch - wins current match
Summon vehicles
Open up the console (~) during single player gameplay to enter these codes. Press enter whe you finish typing. You made need the enablecheats code or playersonly code to use some of the cheats. Use the godmode command (god) so you don't get crushed.
Password - Effect:
summon onslaughtfull.onsautobomberbomb - summons a bomb from the Pheonix bomber
summon onslaughtBP.ONSDualAttackCraft - summons Cicada
summon Onslaught.ONSHoverTank - summons Goliath
summon Onslaught.ONSPRV - summons Hellbender
summon ut2k4assaultfull.asvehicle_spacefighter_human - summons human spacefighter
summon ut2k4assaultfull.asturret_ioncannon - summons Ion Plasma Cannon
summon OnslaughtFull.ONSHoverTank_IonPlasma - summons Ion Plasma Tank
summon OnslaughtFull.ONSMobileAssaultStation - summons Laviathan
summon Onslaught.ONSHoverBike - summons Manta
summon onslaughtBP.ONSShockTank - summons paladin
summon onslaughtfull.onsbomber - summons Pheonix bomber
summon Onslaught.ONSAttackCraft - summons Raptor
summon Onslaught.ONSRV - summons Scorpion
summon ut2k4assaultfull.asvehicle_spacefighter_skaarj - summons skarrj space fighter
summon onslaughtBP.ONSArtillery - summons SPMA
summon OnslaughtFull.ONSGenericSD - summons toliet car